Sunday, September 8, 2019

Critical Analysis of the Movie Munich Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Critical Analysis of the Movie Munich - Essay Example "The Palestinians are never developed to the same extent. We get the impression that their resistance is irrational and unfounded; they've never faced the same psychic misery that Israeli Jews have" (Samuel. 2006). In this movie justice is as equally visceral as carnage where victims are blown to pieces by exploding television sets, dynamite in hotel beds and booby-trapped telephones, as if advancing the idea that violence begets violence. "His exhausting thriller tries to plant a white flag between Israel and Palestine by revisiting one of the ugliest dogfights in their toxic history" (Christopher. 2006). Operation Wrath of God although never been formally acknowledged by Israel, is immaculately presented in this film with an expert use of considerable skills to create an alarming sense of authenticity. The details are so specific: the trendy flared trousers, the grainy film stock, even the way the poodles are shaved in Paris. While there are many other film critiques who marvels at the magnificence of the plot along with the timely twists and irony, to me this movie simply speaks about terrorism, being the central theme further expounded into several areas of justifications. A resounding justification that terrorism and the acts that goes along with it, is a solution and at the same time a problem similar to the purported notion on an eye for an eye. Terrorism and hostage taking traces its roots back during early civilization. There are numerous references to abduction throughout Greek mythology. In medieval times hostages were taken for money or a guaranteed safe passage through a country. In the U.S., Indians on the western frontier terrorized settlers to frighten them away. Throughout the twentieth century, up until the 1970's various terrorist acts were committed, yet they were not as big a problem as they are today. The new age of terrorism dawned at 4:30 in the morning of September 5, 1972, the members of the Israeli delegation awoke in their quarters in the Olympic village to the desperate cries of wrestling referee Joseph Gottfreund. Eight Arab commandos (from the Palestinian terrorist organization Black September) broke into the Olympic compound in Munich. In an attempt to create time for an escape, Joseph Gottfreund tried to block off the door to the quarters in order to stall the intruders. He told his colleagues to le ave the premises. The terrorist shot and killed him immediately along with Yaakov Springer, the weightlifting referee. Those in the adjoining apartments who were not woken by the muffled cries were woken from the sounds of machine guns. The commandos then took nine others of the eighteen-member Israeli Olympic team hostage. They then settled into the compound for a siege. The terrorists imprisoned and tied up the athletes and their coaches inside the apartments. They were moved into one of the delegates' room where they were guarded by eight of the terrorists. Their weapons included sub-machine guns, pistols and grenades. Moshe Weinberg, a wrestling referee, and Joseph Romano, a weightlifter, were killed during an effort to free themselves from the terrorists. History proved that the issues between the Israelis

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